Schedule it
You put birthdays and appointments in your diary, how about an appointment with you and your keyboard? What gets scheduled, gets done.
One of the greatest innovations in recent years is modern dictation software. You can install it on your phone, tablet, or computer. A little practice and you’ll be flying. I’m dictating this.
Turn off notifications
Those red circles are designed to attract your attention. When they pop up, they distract you from the job at hand. Writing. Turn them off.
Write Shite
This mantra has served me and hundreds of authors I’ve coached. Don’t wait until you think you’re good enough. Just write. You can fix it in the edit.
My now famous 17 Minute Sprints have helped dozens of new authors to write their books. You might not have a few hours, but you do have 17 minutes. Use them.
If you can… Change location to find inspiration. It doesn’t need to be two months in a chateau in the Dordogne (although wouldn’t that be nice?) maybe decant yourself and your laptop in a café or your library.
Get others on board
Let family and your nearest know how important your writing is to you. If they think you’re playing at it, they’ll steal your time. If they know you're serious, they’ll respect it.
Create a reward system
...for yourself – and it doesn’t have to be big. Instead of making a cuppa and then starting to write, make the cuppa a reward for writing 300 words.
Create or join an accountability group
Do you belong to a book club? How many times have you stayed up late and crammed those last few chapters because you’re meeting on Tuesday? Do the same with your writing as you do with your reading. You can let yourself down, but you wouldn’t dare let your accountability group down.
Add your time creating ideas in the comments below
I’ll send a copy of my bestselling book How to Save An Hour Every Day to our favourite.