Congratulations on completing the TEAM17 #54321 Summer Challenge. 

Exciting news… you can gain instant access to The Ibiza Files and, as a TEAM17 Member who completed the #54321 challenge, for you it’s… free!

All you need to do is go to The Ibiza Files page, use this coupon code ‘17IBIZA’ (it should be already added) and complete your details.

The Ibiza Files is hosted on ‘Learn’ not Kajabi; so if you haven’t got a Learn account it will ask you to set one up – takes two mins.

Please do not share the coupon code with anyone else as I have made a decision to sell The Ibiza Files and they will be available as new/old Michael Heppell product from Monday 22nd August.

I’d love to know what you think.

Be Brilliant!


PS You have been emailed this information too.