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Break, Breathe and Boost as AI takes over

As we come to the end of the wettest, coldest, July – certainly in my memory, I’ve decided I need a quality break. I’m taking all of August off to recharge, reflect and embrace some much-needed me time. Don’t worry – (as if you were 😂) you won’t be left without your regular Thursday dose […]

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Guess what? Today, Tuesday, 23rd of July at 7.15 am, I’ve celebrated a massive milestone. I’m 500,000 hours old! Yes, you read that right – half a million hours of life. Doesn’t that sound incredible? 500,000 hours. That’s 30 million minutes. Over 1.8 billion seconds. It’s a fun fact that happens about 2 weeks after […]

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The Road Less Travelled

It’s 1955 and you’re living in Sweden. The government has decided to ask the public whether they should switch from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right. As most people love their routines, the idea of such a monumental shift wasn’t well received. A whopping 83% of Swedes voted to keep […]

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The Brilliance of Buffers

You won’t have heard of fellow Geordie John Baillie, but if it wasn’t for him, trains would have been smashing into each other with alarming force for the last 170 years.    In the mid-19th century, John Baillie invented… the Baillie Schneckenfeder (that’s German not Geordie), a spring coil which we now call a train […]

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How I’m Voting

It’s July 4th and across the UK people are heading to the polls for the General Election. Now, I’m not going to tell you which party I’m voting for. That’s between me, the ballot box, my wife and everyone else who knows me! Instead, I thought I’d share with you ten principles and values I […]

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What Happens When You’re Thrice as Good?

You hear about being twice as good.  But what if you were thrice?  Exponential growth, amazing opportunities and who knows what else would unfold. But be sensible! No one wants to work thrice as hard. Work smarter – not harder, eh? You’ve probably heard the story of a penny doubling every day for a month. It starts with […]

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Can you be AI’d?

Could I? I’ve been in deep discovery mode, testing a few ideas over the past couple of weeks.   It started with a challenge from Jamie of Rogue Digital, a former coaching client, who also happens to be one of the smartest, technically brilliant people on the planet. ‘Can we AI Michael?’, he asked. I […]

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Are You Being Hefted?

Hefting is an ancient farming technique used to keep sheep in a specific area… without the need for barriers or fences. It involves shepherds guiding their sheep to stay within familiar territories by using a carrot and stick approach. A little bit of feed left at night… an electric fence switched on… but just for a […]

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If you do what’s easy

If you do what’s easy, your life will be hard If you do what’s hard, your life will be easy Wise words? Load of bollocks? Bit of both? Let’s explore this age-old adage. The case for: Have you noticed how the things that require the most effort often give the greatest rewards?   Health You […]

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Where Would You Like to Be?

My wife, Christine, loves to read the credits.  We’re the last ones out of the cinema and bedtime can’t happen until we’ve seen every name scroll by. From Best Boy to Steady Cam Operator 2, she needs to know who did what. And we marvel at the sheer number of people involved in making a show. […]

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