70 Years… in the same job!
My friend Cheryl Black suggests every seven years you should change either your partner, your house or your job.
I appreciate that not everyone is a fan of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. But wow, you’ve got to agree she’s stuck with the job!
That’s why the UK and many parts of the Commonwealth are going to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee with a weekend of celebrations.
It made me wonder how long I’ve ever done a job or stuck with a commitment?
I can find it hard to stick with stuff for 7 months, weeks or days (I’m talking calorie-controlled diets with the last one) never mind 70 years.
How good are you at sticking with it?
I’d like to know what you’ve stuck with, or on the flipside quit.
You can leave your comments below.
Be Brilliant!
PS I thought I would create a couple of 70 based offers to celebrate the Jubilee Weekend.
The first is £70 off TEAM17 (making the joining fee just £29 instead of £99) plus you’ll get your first month free. TEAM17 is my private members coaching group. It’s where I do most of my group training and, along with an amazing membership, share ideas that make you better, faster.
Just use the coupon code ‘JUBILEE70’ when you join
And how about my programme Idea to Book in 90 Days for just £70 (normally £745).
It’s the step by step behind-the-scenes process of how I wrote, published, sold 1,000 copies of my book 17 and created five new income streams in just 90 days.
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I’ve been a good mother for forty three years. That’s my most rewarding role.
I’ve never actually quit a job without good reason like “not being paid” or being blamed for something I didn’t do, or I decided to go self-employed once (which didn’t work out), I’ve been made redundant from quite a few of them, the last one being 8 yrs. a record by my standards. unemployment is my longest record 10 years now on and off, which is no joy I can tell you, boredom quickly sets in, hence writing.
I have portrayed Father Christmas for nearly 40 years. In that time, the role has largely become known as Santa Claus or Santa.
My work is in grottos, parties, adverts and increasingly on Zoom or home visits
I suppose, along with most women who have children, that one’s longest job is being a mother…… my first two boys are now 54, and 53…… then a ten year gap and change of husbands…..you see some fathers do not stay the course…… happily husband no. 2 took on my boys, and we then added two girls and another boy….so a medium large family…..still close now with four of the five living within three miles of us…. our youngest boy a bit further away, but frequently in contact…….so, probably one could say that a mother’s job is never ‘done’.. i.e. never finished……. and even as one ages and one’s children take on part of the family roles that their mother did, she will still be there, maybe not actually lifting the weight of the turkey out of the oven at Christmas, but certainly stirring the gravy with one hand, and with a gin and tonic in the other.
Been doing the same job for the same company for 36 years. Married to the same person for 38 years. Lived in the same house for a mere 22 years. It’s easy if you enjoy your job, have great company, great relationships and lovely home. Technology has changed at work, the house has been redecorated, my wife is still the wonderful person she has always been. All without a subsidy from the tax payer.
God save the queen,
I have been a father for 50 years, a grandfather for 23 years, and a husband for 10 years on and off several times. I think it’s easy to stick to the same job for 70 years if your pay exceeds your ability
The longest I stuck with a job was 10 years (in my current job I’m getting close: just completed 9 years). The longest my Pops stuck with a job was 50 years!!!
I quit my f/t job in my mid thirties as it was not right for me. Best decision I ever made! The queen has never had that option and has accepted and embraced the ups and downs. She has been a steadying hand and figure for the nation
I wasn’t too good at sticking with jobs, except temping, until I started to work for myself. I was a theatrical and historical costumier for 25 years and have been an author on and off for over 50 years. Pity my relationships haven’t lasted that long. LOL
Same Hubby and house for 33 years same job for 25 years this September
I have worn several jobs caps in my life.. Some, I revelled in, and some aaah…I am now hatted as a basket maker sometimes, I will make a coiled basket in a week or two. But I also have stuff I started pre COVID which remain unfinished, but the best thing about this last is that I’m the boss of me and make them for charity. So no pressure.
I’ve had 2 fantastic jobs and one eew one. Currently, I am a basket maker. Sometimes, I can produce a coiled basket in 1 or 2 days, But I also have unfinished baskets I started years ago. With no boss, I take my time unless I am making one for an event. All monies made go to charity.
I was in the same job for 18 years, I loved it, I moved departments about 7 times but always at the request of the Senior Investigating Officer or above so only ever had the one interview when I started there!! Loved the variety of the job. Still with the same lovely man for 16 years, married for four.
70 days from today 3rd June is 9th August. I’m going to plan to have lost at least a stone by then!! Happy Jubilee Everyone 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Ironically the average time Ive spent in jobs is 7 years ….when I’ve done slightly over at say 8 or 8.5 years I’ve really been aware that I’d overdone it.
Question for you now….I’m self employed now…have been 5 and a half years 🤔
What’s the likelihood I’ll do it for longer than 7 years ? I’d love to hear from you