Count to 17:
Counting to ten was the old way to calm. These days it can take a little longer and a few more fingers.
Feel better?
If not... count again.
Remove decisions:
Decisions cause micro stressors - see last week's newsletter and the brilliant comments from readers.
Scrunch your hands as tightly as you can... then release them very slowly. Focus on watching one hand closely as you do this.
Drink a large glass of water:
As bonkers as this seems, you’ll feel better when the glass is half empty.
Brain dump everything that’s going on in your maxed-out mind onto some paper:
Use colour. Set yourself a 17-minute timer and keep writing, doodling and scribbling until either the 17-minute timer pings or the page is full.
What are your simple stress-busting ideas?
Please leave your comment below.
I’ll send a copy of my stress-reversing book Flip It to our favourite. Last week's brilliant winner was Lesley Munro.
Tonight at 6pm (Thursday 28th January 2021) I’m hosting a brand new Chat Show called Brilliant People. The guests are three people who inspire me and I’m sure they will inspire you, too.
They include an Astronomer who’s also an actor, a former priest who is now a Radio Host, and an artist and former news reporter who now shows others how to be a Little Bit Famous.
If you’d like a list of places where you can watch, please click here.
Be Brilliant!