1. You forgive more often
2. You respect difference
3. You’re critical less and open-minded more
4. You don't compare yourself to others
5. You find the good in people and speak nicely about them behind their backs
6. You choose to be happy, humble and helpful
7. You speak when you can make a difference and listen when you can’t
I found this list in my notebook from mid 2013. I apologise if it’s someone else’s I’ve lifted.
I’ve met 12-year-olds with more maturity than fifty-somethings.
You can choose maturity. Work on it. Hone and develop it.
I must have missed some from my list. What do you think are the signs of maturity?
Please comment below.
A copy of my book Brilliant Life [https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Have-Brilliant-Life-little/dp/0273761226] will be sent to our favourite.
Be Brilliant!
PS I have one, ‘one-to-one’ coaching slot coming up in 2020. If you’ve ever thought about being coached by me then take a look at what other former coaching clients have said here [https://www.michaelheppell.com/about/coach-2/] and if you’d like to know more, get in touch [https://www.michaelheppell.com/contact/].