70 Years… in the Same Job!
My friend Cheryl Black suggests every seven years you should change either your partner, your house or your job.
I appreciate that not everyone is a fan of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. But wow, you’ve got to agree she's stuck with the job!
That's why the UK and many parts of the Commonwealth are going to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee with a weekend of celebrations.
It made me wonder how long I’ve ever done a job or stuck with a commitment?
I can find it hard to stick with stuff for 7 months, weeks or days (I'm talking calorie-controlled diets with the last one) never mind 70 years.
How good are you at sticking with it?
I'd like to know what you've stuck with, or on the flipside quit.
You can leave your comments below.
Be Brilliant!
PS I thought I would create a couple of 70-based offers to celebrate the Jubilee Weekend.
The first is £70 off TEAM17 (making the joining fee just £29 instead of £99) plus you’ll get your first month free. TEAM17 is my private members coaching group. It's where I do most of my group training and, along with an amazing membership, share ideas that make you better, faster.
Just use the coupon code JUBILEE70
when you join
And how about my programme Idea to Book in 90 Days for just £70 (normally £745).
It’s the step by step behind-the-scenes process of how I wrote, published, sold 1,000 copies of my book '17' and created five new income streams in just 90 days.