Keynote Presentations and a Special 'Rider'
When we do keynote presentations, I have a ‘rider’. That sounds a little prima donna, but most of it is technical, and the rest has a couple of simple requests like ‘a bottle of still water at room temperature please’. A professional speaker doesn’t want anything chilled.
On Tuesday, we presented at the London Business Forum. If you don’t know about the LBF, then check out their website:
In our rider, I point out that I’m a simple bloke with simple tastes and I’m not asking for anything quirky like ‘a bowl of M&M’s with all the blue ones taken out’.
Arriving at BAFTA on Tuesday morning, the team at the London Business Forum handed me a bag. A goodie bag. And in it? A big bag of M&M’s - ALL BLUE!
The message was simple. We’ve read your rider, the M&M thing is fun, we’re fun, here’s the exact opposite of what you asked for. BRILLIANT! I thought about it and smiled all day.
On the train heading home, we enjoyed some very blue M&M’s. I’m writing about it now. That gift was more than a token. It showed the giver wanted to impress, it showed they cared, it showed they had the same fun values as we do. That bag of blue M&M’s strengthened our connection.
A Thought for You
Who could you give a creative gift to? What would it be? When will you give it?
Go on, do it now. Be Brilliant!
PS For those who wondered if I had affiliate deals for my ‘17 places to eat drink and stay’ blog post from last week, I can assure you I don’t. And M&M’s have paid me nothing for this one - but if they do want to send us something...