Bore off Hyundai

Bore off Hyundai

Michael Heppell
Michael Heppell
November 28, 2024

Have you heard the advert?

Korean car manufacturers Hyundai have a new campaign, teaching thick Brits how to say ‘Hyundai’. Apparently, it’s not ‘Hi-un-day’ it’s ‘Hyun-day’. Followed by the patronising voice-over adding ‘…by the way.’

Regular readers may be wondering why I’ve ended up in a funk about something which is so far out of my control that I shouldn’t give it a second thought, never mind a whole newsletter.

Well, there is a point.

We’re all different. Americans can’t pronounce ‘tomato’ or ‘Edinburgh’. Benedict Cumberbatch can’t enunciate ‘penguin’. And no one outside of the UK can say ‘Worcestershire Sauce’ without going cross-eyed and spitting.

And isn’t it joyful?

I’m sure the brand agency at Hyundai believes by the end of their campaign us Brits will be storming showrooms and asking to see the new ‘Hyun-day’. But we won’t.

Change what you can - embrace what you can’t.

As always, I'd love to know your thoughts below.

Be Brilliant!


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