‘Person hit by train’ are 4 words I dread to see on my Twitter feed.
It’s how the rail providers describe, on social media, the horrific consequence of a person taking their life.
But on Tuesday evening Virgin East Coast tweeted:
It is with great sadness I advise a person has been struck by a train near #Doncaster. As a consequence all lines are blocked and trains may be delayed by up to 90 minutes whilst the emergency services do their work and deal with this tragedy.
This was followed an hour or so later with:
My heart is broken for all involved in this tragic incident. Services are returning to normal but so much pain will remain. If you have been affected by tonight's events, please talk to the @samaritans on 116 123. 24/7 #SmallTalkSavesLives. #ItsOkayToTalk, it's @TimeToChange. ^BG
This was no longer just an announcement. It was a human feeling pain for another human – and sharing it.
Thank you ‘^BG’ at Virgin Trains East Coast.
Thank you for showing what it means to be human.
Be Brilliant