READERS IN THE UK can’t help but notice that there’s, let’s say, a tad of political turmoil at the moment.
READERS OUTSIDE OF THE UK - you’ve seen it too?
This election looks set to be the dirtiest, most negative ever.
Just great, eh?
In my journal last night I wrote this...
3 Ways I Will Turn the General Election Into a Positive:
I won’t fall out with anyone.
No matter how extreme or (in my opinion) ridiculous their opinions, I will respect their beliefs.I will brilliantly demonstrate that I am able to hold two conflicting thoughts in my mind simultaneously and therefore see the bigger picture.
When I feel frustrated I will Flip It and become fascinated.
I’d love to know your tips for turning what could be seen by many as a negative process, into (and I'm going to push it here) something positive.
Leave your comments below. Be political if you like, have a debate, make your point, be nice...
Be Brilliant!