I don’t know if this is true or a conspiracy story...
Up there with a flat earth and Area 51.
But it’s a great tale.
It’s the late 1950s and the posh offices of Procter & Gamble are about as cheery as a British Summer. The secret crystal ball predicts, shampoo sales plunging due to the crew-cut frenzy.
Yep, you read that right – crew-cut-frenzy. Great name for a band, but I digress.
Genius minds surround a boat-shaped table, steering the Procter & Gamble ship. Silk ties are loosened, shirt sleeves are rolled and expressions are as grim as an empty playground.
They’ve re-crunched the numbers and realize how a simple shampoo slump could wreck their dreams of sending their kids to Ivy League schools and owning a house in The Hamptons.
But wait, here comes the plot twist...
At the far end of the table is a fellow named Quimby, a bit of a mystery man. He throws his hand up like he's back in school.
‘Hey, gang,’ his voice quivering with a mix of nerves and excitement, ‘what if we tell folks: wash, rinse – then… repeat?’
Cue the mood swing – from glum to ka-ching! Twice as much washing = twice the shampoo = twice the profit. Double bubble – literally.
I wonder what else we buy and do that we don’t need?
- Must water be bought in bottles?
- Is ‘after sun’ essential?
- Should you pay for additional ‘collision waiver damage’?
- Do beds need cushions? 🙄
- What did you do before Amazon?
- Air fryers? 😉
How much do we do what we’re told? Which becomes doing what we’ve always done?
I’d love to know your thoughts. Think wider than products and services, add habits and behaviors.
We’ll send a copy of my new limited edition book 17 blue to our favorite. Please add your comments below.
Only one week left
The new edition of my book 17 is published on September 17th. Speaking of 17 blue (tenuous link) the new edition of my book 17 is published on September 17th.
Youdon’t needa copy 😉.
Butyou shouldorder one:
- There are 6 new chapters
- Every page is updated
- A limited edition, 17 blue available
- Each copy is numbered and signed
- And it’s a fiver less than the original!
Take a look at the new edition of 17 here.
Be Brilliant!