I was on a train, heading to an event and reading...
Totally engaged in the moment.
Then my state was broken. A crew member was asking if I’d like a coffee.
And then it happened...
Searing pain in my left hand.
The reason?
I was pressing the space between my knuckles on a corner of the table.
If you are unsure of this type of pain just push your thumb hard between your knuckles for 30 seconds.
I had no idea how long I’d been in that position.
I didn’t feel anything at the time. My simple brain had blocked out a lot of hurt.
Pain is a message. It’s your mind’s way of protecting you.
But you can easily block it out - despite the fact that you’re still hurting yourself.
It’s the same with certain types of mental and emotional pain.
You can block that out, too.
Become used to it. Adapt to it.
Or... you could deal with it.
Dealing is harder.
Asking the tough questions. Going deep.
I can understand why most people don’t want to go there.
But for those who do...
And it’s not any of that macho b@@@ocks about ‘coming out the other side stronger’.
It’s just taking the time to think about who you are. Why you do what you do.
Who you really are.
And then acceptance.
Pain 0 - Acceptance 1
Be Brilliant!
Am I being too simplistic? I’d love your comments here.