And it costs…? Nothing.
So why is it such an effort (for some people) to be kind?
I think I’ve worked it out. Perhaps it’s harder to be kind than (no, not nasty) neutral.
No one thinks they’re being nasty... ignoring a homeless person, mentally tutting when a parent can’t control their child, secretly laughing when a rival has a problem.
That’s not being nasty. Agreed. But…
If you’re not being a kind person, what kind of person are you being?
Being kind can equally be demonstrated by what you don’t do as much as what you do:
- Saying nothing when a friend shares a story and you have a better one...
- Deciding not to become the grammar police and accepting the misuse of their, there and they’re in a Facebook post...
- Knowing you can bring Mr Ego down a peg or two with the knowledge you’ve just gained, but smile (on the outside) instead.
It’s easy to say you’re kind when your kindness rules are suiting you. ‘I like to think I have time for everyone.’ Cue the curve ball… ‘Excuse me, could you spare a couple of moments to answer these survey questions?’ Do you really have time for ‘everyone’?
Some people wear their kindness as a badge. ‘I sacrifice my personal time/happiness/self to ensure those around me are happy. Why can’t people see that!’
Some make it look easy.
I have a challenge for you. This newsletter goes to a combined audience of around 15,000 people. What if, for the next week, we were all intentionally a little more kind?
No sacrifice, no ego, no expectation, nothing in return – just consciously kind.
I’m in.
Be Brilliant!
PS Please share your comments below.