I've lost two special friends over the last couple of weeks.
Don’t worry, this message isn’t going to be morbid, but there is something I would like you to do.
One dear friend, Jack, I saw just a few weeks ago.
His health was deteriorating, but we still managed to have a wonderful evening, full of brilliant banter and cheer.
And we took a photograph.
Four of us. Old friends, enjoying good times.
The other, Ray, I hadn't seen for a few years.
It would be easy to blame pandemics and lockdowns, but the truth is I kept meaning to connect - but just… didn't.
There’s an extra sense of loss.
It was Ray’s funeral yesterday. The perfect send-off with lots of friends and family.
How I wished I’d seen Ray.
On the 17th in TEAM17 we had our monthly meeting.
The theme was reconnection.
I asked members to reconnect.
And not necessarily with a person.
I asked if they could reconnect with many things; from a lost goal to a hobby, what was it about your job that made you excited in the first place, or something you were passionate about that faded.
As always, TEAM17 have embraced the challenge and over the last week, I've seen members reconnecting in the most extraordinary ways.
My challenge to you this week is to reconnect.
Contact an old friend, listen to music that meant something, reconnect with your partner, a family member, your faith, your friends.
It doesn’t matter who or what, if you’ve read this far, you know what you need to do.
And if you want, please share your reconnecting stories below. I'd love to read them.
Be Brilliant!
PS: Thank you to everyone who bought a copy of the special edition of 17 blue. It’s now sold out. The (orange) paperback will be published on September 17th.