It’s at the top of your Wheel of Life for a reason.
You can have fewer friends, less money, need more time, have a career that sucks and deal with it all.
But a change in your health will have the biggest impact of all.
Is your health a priority for you in 2025? I know it’s one of mine.
The question is what are you doing about it?
There’s no need to overcomplicate things. I believe (and I’ve written about it in several books) brilliant health comes down to three key principles:
Eat Well, Think Well, Move Well
The key is to set yourself up for health SWins (small wins).
Here are some simple, actionable ideas:
Eat Well
1. Choose whole over processed: Swap out one processed meal or snack a day for something fresh like fruit or nuts or a lush home-cooked meal.
2. Hydrate: Don’t fret about drinking X litres times your body weight plus the circumference of your head in fluid ounces divided by pints. Just start your day with a glass of water – simple.
Think Well
1. Begin your day with gratitude: While you’re drinking that water jot down three things you’re thankful for. Simple and it sets a positive tone for the day.
2. Limit your screen time: Especially before bed. You knew I was going to say that; ironic knowing you’re looking at one right now - but give it a go. Your mind will thank you for better rest and clarity.
Move Well
1. Walk it out: If you’ve been a couch potato, running the London marathon this April might be a… let’s be positive… stretch, but walking a couple of miles a few times a week is absolutely within reach.
2. Stretch: Five minutes of gentle stretching a day can work wonders for posture and flexibility.
Or, forget that list and create your own. But do something.
If you don’t make time for your health now you will make time for your illness later.
Here’s to making 2025 your healthiest year ever!
Be Brilliant!