I’m having a lovely lunch with my friend Pablo, when suddenly he feels the need to make an announcement.
‘Do you know what the problem is with coaches?’ He demands.
‘No. I mean yes. No?’ I splutter.
He had me on the ropes, and we’d only just finished our starters.
‘The problem with coaches is; it’s all, in 5 years this, by next year that. Why don’t coaches teach you how to live now?’
Phew - I thought he was going to give the usual criticism that all coaches are failed business owners, retired teachers or unhappy hippies.
Pablo has a point.
Why spend so much time thinking about the future when we can work on the now?
Ekhart Tolle famously wrote about The Power Of Now. It’s a great read (but don’t listen to the audio while driving or operating heavy machinery).
The basic message is you can think (worry) about the future, remember (dwell) on the past but you can only truly experience the now.
Three things to consider - now.
What’s happening - now?
What’s making you happy - now?
What could you leave out of your consciousness – to be in the now?
What do you do to be in 'the now'?
Leave your answer below and I’ll send a copy of Eckhart Tolle’s latest book ‘A New Earth’ to blow your mind to our favourite.
Be Brilliant!
PS If you'd like me as your coach, take a peep here.