I’ve always said I’d never get caught up in FOMO - then I came to a startling realisation …*
I wanted to book a table at a nice restaurant for a family meal on December 2nd. Of course, I wanted 8pm, a long lazy dinner, window seat, not too close to the door (they don’t call me the ‘diva diner’ for nothing).
Then horror!
‘Sorry, Sir we’re fully booked that night.’
‘But it’s December! It’s weeks away!’ I protested.
‘I know. We’re very popular.’
‘Maybe you have an earlier table? Could we go on a waiting list? What if I helped with the washing up?’
The FOMO took over.*
If they were fully booked that made me all the more determined to get my family a table at that restaurant. I was going to get one … no matter what!
In the end, I settled for 6.30pm, (at the back of the ‘very popular’ restaurant) and promised to be out by 9.
I proudly shared with Mrs H. the fact that I’d managed to secure the last table. Unquestionably, I deserved some kind of award!
‘But I thought you wanted 8pm?’ she remarked. ‘Maybe we should cancel then and just have dinner at home’. What??
I gave my best (FOMO)* lecture on how lucky we were to get a table and the lengths I’d gone to to ensure I bagged my family that last table. If the restaurant was fully booked this far in advance, it must be testament to its quality.
But she wasn’t having any of it. FOMO does not figure in her genetic make-up.*
How determined have you been to secure a table/seat/ticket, or buy a car/house/handbag driven purely by FOMO?*
Has a ‘want’ become a ‘need’ just because someone else had it/had experienced it/aspired to own it?
Be Brilliant!
PS In future I’ll think twice and analyse my hunter/gatherer/FOMO* instincts. In the meantime, there’s one table going at a very popular restaurant, first weekend in December but you’ll need to be quick to bag it!
FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out