Think you’re better than air conditioning?

Think you’re better than air conditioning?

Michael Heppell
Michael Heppell
November 28, 2024

Air conditioning has been used more in the past few days than in the last few years.

My friend Steve got a bit of a shock when he had a two-hundred-mile car journey and found his had stopped working.

He took his motor to the garage where he was told his air con needed to be ‘recharged’.

Steve didn’t know this was, in his words, ‘even a thing’.

Yes, a car’s air conditioning needs to be recharged to be effective.

And so do you.

Two weeks baking on a beach may be the answer, but there are some easier solutions. Here are five:

  1. Close your eyes for 7 minutes.
    ‘Quiet wakefulness’ is the simplest recharge hack, it’s available at almost any time and it’s free.

  2. Hydrate.
    Recharge your entire body with a big glass of water.

  3. Stretch.

A few minutes of stretching reduces fatigue, decreases the chance of injury and leaves you feeling fabulously floppy.

  1. Body Brush.
    Not only does it leave you feeling sparkly, but dry body brushing increases blood supply, unblocks pores and stimulates lymph flow/drainage.

  2. Walk (not hike) and look around.
    I love hiking for fitness and walking for mindfulness. There’s nothing quite like a gentle walk to recharge.

What would you add? We’ll send a copy of my book Brilliant Life here to our favourite.

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Words Change Worlds Replay

On Monday evening I hosted a new webinar called Words Change Worlds. The reviews have been amazing.

It’s only 50 minutes and I’ve created a replay page for those who couldn't make it live. If you’d like to watch it and learn how words can change your two worlds (yes two), then click here.

I also launched my new programme for August for people who would like to rapidly write a non-fiction book. If you’re interested and would like to become a published author and write your non-fiction book, take a look here.


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