What's brilliant about VHS

What's brilliant about VHS

Michael Heppell
Michael Heppell
November 28, 2024

Last night we watched some of our old VHS tapes.

It was Christine’s idea.

And it was wonderful!

A few years ago, I attempted to persuade Mrs H to chuck out the old cassettes. After last night, I’m glad we didn’t.

We watched 'The Snowman' (the David Bowie version). Then we watched a 1997 Disney promotional video. Wow! It was magical.

Those Disney peeps know how to sell a holiday. We remembered how we’d watched it with the kids, booked a holiday on the strength of it and then viewed it again, and again, and again...

The whole VHS experience was awesome. You need to take time.

For a start, you need to get out of your seat and find the video. Load the tape - schlup, clunk, whirrrrr and we’re off...

But not until you’ve watched the Federal Copyright Warning. Then the slight static before a 4:3 image appears and the music begins.

You must watch it all. No flicking, missing the credits, jumping from one show to the next. Old school.

And we loved it. Being part of something where you have to put a little effort in to get your reward out made it better - even something as simple as watching a video better.

That’s why I love TEAM17. It’s only for people who are prepared to put a little something in first to get something bigger and better out.

Would you like to know more?

For further information, register for the TEAM17 open evening.

It’s on Monday at 7pm.

Please click here to find out more.

Be Brilliant!


PS If you don’t know about TEAM17, it’s my private members' group. An amazing group of people who are passionate about making a difference to their lives and others. You'll meet some of them on Monday. Register here.

PPS What do you miss that you used to do all the time? Please leave a comment below.


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