It’s funny how we lean towards believing the negative over the positive.
The various news channels know this and they thrive on it.
So what - we’re well aware of that.
It’s more important when we start to believe negatives about ourselves - especially when it’s a minority.
And worse, when that minority is just a one off.
But it sticks.
That ‘one’ could be:
- a result
- an occasion
- a person
You could be feeling great in your new outfit, receiving lots of compliments... but it just takes one person to ‘helpfully’ announce that ‘it does nothing for you’ and where does your focus go?
Your results could be excellent, when suddenly a curve ball appears and you do a poor job. Where’s your success now?
Your confidence is soaring, you’re great at meeting people and making connections - until that one person blanks you or doesn’t respond to an email.
So what are you going to believe?
- The one person or the many
- The one occasion or the many
- The one result or the many
If it’s true that you get what you focus on, you’ll know what to do.
I think you’re brilliant, by the way.
PS How To Be A Super Speaker MasterClass
Super Speaker MasterClass update.
As I write, there are just 6 pairs of tickets available for the special two for one super early bird offer.
Click here to grab yours. Or if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just click to find out more.
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