Why I'm Terrified

Why I'm Terrified

Michael Heppell
Michael Heppell
November 28, 2024


The expression, ‘Get out of your comfort zone’ is bandied about all too frequently. The truth is we don’t do it. And the number one reason? It’s too uncomfortable.

And when people like me tell you, ‘All the big growth takes place outside of your comfort zone’ you don't really want to hear that. Actually, that’s not true, you're happy to hear it; it's in the action that you come unstuck.

So, I have a challenge. Commit to just one thing in the next 7 days that will really stretch you.

And here's the important bit. Tell 10 people what you are committed to doing. You'll be much more likely to do it if you tell 10 friends, family, Facebook friends, colleagues etc. that you're going to do something than if you just tell one (or no one!).

I have 16,000 people who subscribe to this newsletter - so I think I owe it to you to get the ball rolling.


I’ve asked myself, where can I get out of my comfort zone and get some growth? And the answer screamed back. Ask your readers! So it’s over to you.

Give me a scary challenge. I'm very comfortable standing in front of large crowds of people and public speaking. I know that frightens the willies out of most people - but I love it. I’ve jumped out of a plane, performed a stand-up set at the Comedy Store and coached people who are infinitely brighter than me. I don’t really like heights and small spaces and there’s a few other fears which lie deep. But I don’t want to sway you and your creativity – so go for it.

Challenge Michael!

You can comment on my website below, email or use my Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Go for it. Be Brilliant!



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