I’m already hearing people putting stuff off until 2017 because, ‘Let’s get Christmas out of the way first’ is creeping in. How about flipping it and going for a final push? In the next two weeks, you could:
Do a deal – a friend of mine drove 400 miles to see a potential business partner on Christmas Eve, did the deal and in the three years following, made millions.
Shift some weight – who says the diet should start in January? I bet you lose a few pounds in the next 15 days if you wanted to.
Make that call – you know that one you’ve been putting off? Yes, that one. Go on, pick up the phone and do it.
Have a clear out – as the decorations go up, it’s a perfect time to fill some bags for the charity shop or have a trip to the dump.
Start writing your journal – lots of people start writing a journal in January only for the habit to fade by February. If you start now, you’ll capture lots of Christmas memories and kickstart the habit.
Put yourself first – Ok, I’m sure there are lots of readers who think this is the least likely time of the year to do this. However, can I challenge you to create a little bit of ‘me time’ every day? Just sit, breathe and be thankful.
Only a couple of weeks to go! Be Brilliant!
PS: I did a super audio interview with Ross and Mark from The Fitness Life. You can hear it here.
And if you're a bit stuck for what to buy for a Christmas gift this year, how about clicking here for a book that makes someone better?