I've worked with many organisations who excitedly talk about the importance of 'their culture'.
Some do it brilliantly, others get it so wrong.
Offering yoga lessons, a ping pong table or dress-down Friday isn't a culture.
They’re perks.
Culture comes from behaviors that represent the 'Why' of the business.
Like the now-legendary door desks at Amazon:
Don’t waste money on fancy desks; pass the saving to the customers (see below).
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I make no secret of the fact that I’m a raving fan of Red Carnation Hotels and Vanarama.
Last Christmas, when other businesses were sending dodgy hampers full of stuff nobody really wanted, Vanarama bought 200 baskets and filled them with really great gifts.
And when I say they filled them, it was the Senior Management Team that did the packing and the delivery.
Everyone who works for Red Carnation Hotels is given two days paid leave to support a charity of their choice. This offer is taken up by 88% of the 2,500 staff, meaning 4,400 days are donated every year.
Their MD, Jonathan Raggett, told me how staff bounce back to work wanting to do even more for their guests. Giving increases giving.
What are your best examples of brilliant culture? Please share them below.
There’s a copy of my book The Edge, How The Best Get Better for our favourite.
Get The Book
Two Events Coming Up:
TONIGHT at 6pm – 'Brilliant People Live'
My monthly chat show with three very different guests who all have one thing in common – they’re brilliant!
Monday 29th March - 'TEAM 17 Open Night'
I’m hosting a special free webinar on Monday evening introducing TEAM17.
Learn More About TEAM17
This is a chance to see how group coaching works, you'll discover what 17-Minutes With... is all about,
I'll be explaining 17 University to you and lots more.
It’s a free session, it's educational, and I promise that there will be lots of smiles.
Click Here for More Information and to Register
See you tonight...
Be Brilliant!