It’s easier than ever to say ‘yes’.
Equally, it’s harder than ever to see it through! Too many distractions. Too many people who want a bit of your time. Too many box-sets to get through and too many status updates to read.
A few weeks ago, I asked for challenges to get me out of my comfort zone. I settled on two. I did the helicopter flight and, to be honest, it was fairly easy. The 'fear', really was False Evidence Appearing Real. But the other challenge ‘Live a day without words’ has kind of scared me.
Think about having a whole day with: no reading, writing, talking, enjoying songs, listening to people, checking your texts, etc. Saying I was going to have a day without words was the easy part. The only way to do it was to book it. And promptly I put it off for a week or two.
I needed some leverage. So I have done two things:
I’ve scheduled the day and now told people about it. Over 10,000 people read this newsletter and I can confirm my Day Without Words will take place next Tuesday 7th November.
And I’m supporting a group of people who don’t always get to hear words (especially positive words) or use words in the way you and I take for granted. Yes, you can sponsor me and help to fund a unique project for the amazing charity Changing Lives. All the details are here:
This is a charity close to Christine and my hearts, so we want to encourage you to help with a 5:1 challenge where every £1 you donate could be worth £5 (yes £5!) to the charity and the project.
I know you’ll get dozens of requests like this, but having spent some time with these amazing people this week, I wanted to do something more and I thought I could ask you to help.
I’ll let you know how I get on next week.
Be Brilliant!
Michael (no words) Heppell
PS: I would love some ideas on what to do during my day without words. If you have any hints or tips on how I can achieve this, please leave them in the comments below.