I wish.

Two words that have a massive impact on how we feel.

Said in hindsight, they’re normally linked with loss.

A look back at what you could have had or done…

I wish I’d bought Bitcoin in 2014

I wish I’d spent more time with my family.

I wish I’d taken that chance.

Said as a futurist, they’re linked with hope.

I wish they would call.

I wish the kids would…

I wish I could see the northern lights.

Wishing gives a moment of hope. But the hope doesn’t last.

What does last?

Appreciating what you have.

When you change the focus you change the feeling.

In a world of averages, it makes sense that there are some things you are better at than most. There must be.

Rather than wishing for…

How about celebrating what you’re already better at?

I’m better at staying calm than trying to fix things.

I’m better at listening than I am at speaking out.

I’m better at walking my dog than going for a run.

While it’s nice to wish, a wish lasts just a moment.

Focusing on what you’re better at improves how you feel for longer.

What are you better at?

Please leave what you’re ‘better at’ and any other comments below.

Be Brilliant!



  1. March 10th 2022 by Andrew Mosley

    I’m better at fixing a mental problem than a practical one.

  2. March 10th 2022 by Lesley Renault

    I am better at caring than being cared for.

  3. March 10th 2022 by Nick Finney

    as usual, a perfectly timed message, just when I was feeling a bit down and unsure of myself. Thanks MH!

  4. March 10th 2022 by Stephanie Hayler

    I’m better at smiling than frowning!
    I’m better than I think I am!
    I’m better at reading positive messages than negative ones.
    Thanks Mr H for a perfect message x

  5. March 10th 2022 by Jackie Watson

    I’m better at swimming than running
    I’m better at dancing than singing
    I’m better at writing than editing
    I’m better at smiling than scowling
    I’m better at laughing than crying
    I’m better at being happy than being sad

  6. March 10th 2022 by Louise Bourdon

    I am better at listening to people’s problems and helping them than I am at dealing with my own

  7. March 10th 2022 by Bonaventura Apicella

    I function better during the day than in the evening. I am better at seeing things, and experiencing things than just believing in what I do not see nor experience.

  8. March 13th 2022 by joanna nightingale

    I am better at looking after than being looked after.

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