Last week, Rick the Hedge Cutter arrived two hours late. From the moment he parked, I could tell he was having a bad day.   

In fact, as he quickly told me, he’d had ‘A bloody awful morning’. And as his customer [ironic], I was the next in line to feel the wrath of Rick.

I had a choice.

I could ket his mood drag me down.

Ignore it – his monkeys his zoo.

Or Flip It. That would mean doing my best to make his day better.

Being the author of the Sunday Times No. 1 Best Selling self-help Book, Flip It 😉 comes with a certain responsibility.  So, I spent five minutes listening to Rick.

I let him vent until his puce went pale. Then suggested, ‘Why not take out your frustration on that spiky hedge and treat your next job as a fresh start?’

It worked.  

By the time he left, (full of coffee, mince pies and a bit of cash) his mood had shifted.

That’s the ripple effect (negative and positive) in action.

The Science Behind the Ripples

Emotions are contagious. Research by Christakis and Fowler showed that through subconscious mimicry – expressions, tone and body language – we ‘catch’ the moods of those around us.  

And your mood doesn’t just affect the person you’re with – it ripples out to others… then they go on to interact with more people… and so on.

Up to three degrees.

The good news is the ripple effect works both ways.  

A kind word, a smile, or a moment of patience can set off a wave of positivity.


Are you up for a challenge? 

Start a Positive Ripple Today.

Here are five ways (and I know you can think of 50 more) to start ripples of positivity:

1. Brighten the checkout: Smile, chat and thank the cashier.

2. Compliment a stranger: Tell someone you love their coat or just smile.

3. Let someone go first: A small gesture of patience can shift someone’s day.

4. Surprise a Friend: Text a friend something you admire about them.

5. Leave a Kind Note: Put a kind word where someone unexpected will find it.

You know your actions cause ripples, so what kind of ripples will you send? I’d love to hear your ideas below.

Be Brilliant!



  1. December 5th 2024 by Susan Martin

    I walk with a stick and find about 99% of the population are extremely kind and helpful letting me go first etc. I always smile and make a compliment. Eg what a gentleman, thank you kind sir, madam how kind. I think it just makes everyone feel better!

  2. December 5th 2024 by Sue Beck

    I’ve just thoroughly enjoyed a day two day course. So I am going to take some time to write a review letting others know what a great time I had and why! Credit where credit is due! 🙂

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