Every time you need to make a decision, you are adding some stress to your life.

Even the smallest decisions create micro stressors.

The more decisions you have to make, the more micro stressors you put on yourself.

They build and build and then…

The solution? Routine.

And it’s not just me who thinks this. Researchers at Tel Aviv University showed that predictable, repetitive routines are calming and help reduce anxiety.


Here are (a further) 17 reasons why you should have routines.

1. Makes you more efficient

2. Reduces procrastination

3. Creates structure in your life

4. Saves time, your most valuable resource

5. Creates good habits

6. Breaks bad habits

7. Helps you become more capable

8. Focuses your mind on your most important tasks

9. Builds momentum

10. Lessens your need for determination and willpower

11. Creates structure in your life

12. Helps with prioritisation by thinking ahead

13. Increases self-confidence

14. Saves you money (whoop whoop)

15. Keeps track of your successes

16. Helps you achieve your goals

17. Reduces stress and facilitates relaxation

What else? What are your routine tips?

We’ll send a copy of my book How To Save An Hour Every Day to our favourite. Please post your ideas and thoughts below.

Be Brilliant!



  1. January 21st 2021 by Lucy wilkinson

    I love a good morning routine, I call it my MAGIC MORNING. And so important for Mums, as it’s a get way to self care YOU, and get yourself focused to WIN the day. My routine as worked for years. 5am water and lemon, yoga/meditation 15 to 30 mins, power hour in my office with a coffee (journal, gratitude, Intensions for the day, and any other small bits to clear the mind) then move exercise – run/weights. Ready for when the kids get up to Win the day. Gets me into my MAGIC flow 💜🙏 weekends I go with it!!!! Lie in or get into flow!

  2. January 21st 2021 by MarkR

    Can we really “save time” or are the words save “… the inefficient or ineffective use of…” time?
    It may be viewed as pedantic but all the clock does it keep ticking. Time viewed as something to be used (or lost) rather than saved is a more practicable approach and then hopefully leads to a better approach to time management.

  3. January 21st 2021 by Jason Parry

    I use a journal to ensure that I cover all repeated tasks each day. Helps to focus the mind when planning my week to ensure I cover everything.

  4. January 21st 2021 by Des Reynolds

    I’ve always found this tip really helpful when setting a routine or doing a project. Mark an ‘x’ on the calendar every day you do it. It keeps you on track, and becomes addictive to add your x’s and not break the pattern ! 🙂

  5. January 21st 2021 by Heather Scott

    Creating a schedule at the beginning of the week and if it’s on it, it gets done. I also highlight my non-negotiables especially the time I want to finish (so I have quality time to spend with family, activies and me! Love your emails – short and right on point! Heather

  6. January 21st 2021 by Keith Lawrence

    Very good reminder regarding routines and the positive benefits they can bring. However, like any ‘process’, its important to watch out for the negative possibilities – eg the cigarette with every work break, the biscuit wit every coffee, etc. We need to identify and eliminate these negative routines.

  7. January 21st 2021 by Andree Daly/Currie

    Having routine gives time to reflect
    Gives time to weigh up pros and cons
    Reduces fatigue
    Gives focus to your day, especially during these hard times
    Gives a sense of achievement whether the decision is about what colour to paint the living room or an important business decision.

  8. January 21st 2021 by Tracy

    A solid routine creates stability.

  9. January 21st 2021 by David Palmer

    Wherever possible, use the same tore for your foodstuffs. The fuel and time you spend going somewhere else to save 50p is often not worth the ‘loss’.

  10. January 21st 2021 by Alfie

    Fantastic. Good routines have helped me ‘habit stack’ 3 new hobbies a day into my life!!!

  11. January 21st 2021 by Lesley

    Review and refine your routine. How can you streamline it? Eg you go for a run every morning layout your clothes the night before, put your running shoes by the front door. Make a shake or overnight oats the night before so you don’t have to prep a meal.

  12. January 21st 2021 by Michael Vaughan

    I’ve started scheduling recurring appointments to reinforce and remind me to exercise, practice my language course etc.

  13. January 21st 2021 by Richard

    My key routine tip would be a routine to check whether your routines are still working! Routines are more efficiency measures and might not be that helpful when you need to look at effectiveness measures. Also, where there is innovation going on, routine may be dangerous (why did the Post Office not take up email services early on, why did Kodak not run with digital photography, etc.?). It may also be bad for your own innovation capacity, so you need to get out of your comfort zone every so often in order to grow and adapt to changes (e.g. digitalisation of business). Bad routines may be seriously bad for your health, both physical and mental.

  14. January 22nd 2021 by Michelle

    Living in Melbourne we were in various stages of lockdown from March 2020 to October 2020 routine is what got me through. Up at 6am for online gym (got to keep that routine), followed by breakfast and seated for work by 8am (normally i’d be in the car), walk in the afternoon (we were allowed 1 hour of exercise outside). So I would say that overall the routine I had saved my sanity. (PS thinking of everyone in lockdown elsewhere)

  15. January 22nd 2021 by Michelle Neal

    Write daily lists so you can prioritise and work your way through them rather than wasting time thinking ‘what shall I do next’. Feels great when you start ticking them off too 😊

  16. January 22nd 2021 by Mike Westcar

    Better chance of a good night’s sleep

  17. January 22nd 2021 by Mick MingStones

    Routine helps me to perform certain mundane tasks on autopilot whilst allowing me to focus on thinking, problem-solving and planning more creatively. Win win!

  18. January 22nd 2021 by carys kelly

    Each evening I write a wish-list of things I want, need or should do, the following day. I write in a beautiful moleskin journal & there is something so satisfying in ticking each item off as I do them. These things may be the smallest tasks, but I try to give everything my full attention & gratitude that I have them to structure my day.

  19. January 26th 2021 by Will (but you can call me smart-ass)

    Sorry Michael, only just picked this one up. In complete agreement with everything you say. My tip… don’t duplicate tasks. Is it just me, or are numbers 3 and 11 not one and the same? Hopefully this simply proves I hang on your every word 😉 Best wishes.

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