Too much choice

I was going to create a Black Friday sale with amazing offers on loads of products. And then I remembered the jam experiment, where a supermarket increased its range of jams fivefold and sold… less jam. Most people appreciate less choice, not more. Keep it simple Heppell.   In the spirit of less jam choice, […][...]

The Opportunity Clock

When I first heard Zig Ziglar talking about the Opportunity Clock, I realised it was a Flip It moment of genius. It’s stayed with me forever. Opportunity is something we want to move towards. Alarm is something we want to move away from. When the alarm clock goes, the temptation is to click snooze. When […][...]

A rare phenomenon is taking place

As I write this message something extraordinary is happening Newcastle United are third in the English Premier League. And this newsletter isn’t about football. This time last year a new manager, Eddie Howe, had just taken over and, we were languishing at the bottom with little prospect of achieving anything like the heady heights we’re […][...]

Which camp are you in?

There’s only one topic on my mind this week. I’m about to share with you 287 words about writing books. You’ll be in one of three camps: Camp 1: You’re interested in writing, and you’d like to write a book. Camp 2: You’re not interested in writing, but you’d still like to write a book […][...]

It’s going well. So… Stop!

On Monday I hosted a TEAM17 Stream on Self-Sabotage. We questioned why we do it, how we do it and what we can do about it. As always, a TEAM17 Member said something which made my mind flip. ‘When things are going well, slow down and even stop for a moment. You don’t always have to […][...]

Lost & Found

I’m excellent at losing things. And only slightly good at finding things. That equates to a net loss of some things. My wife is excellent at finding things and rarely loses things. Her net result is, she’s found more things. And as many of those things are my previously lost things… that’s a result.   […][...]

There’s much more to this

A gratitude list is much more than just being grateful. It trains your brain. To practice focusing on good things. Then, (and here’s the best bit), when you need to trigger a positive emotion, you’re in a better position to do so.   One of my favourite coaching tips is to practice when you don’t […][...]

Coming Together

Over the last 30 months, groups of strangers, some still relatively unknown to the other, have come together. Maybe an online forum. A Facebook Group. Or a neighbourhood. It’s taken a global pandemic, cost of living crisis, celebration of service and ultimately our monarch’s death. But we have become closer. And I like that.   […][...]

The Excitement of Encyclopaedias

There was a time, BG (before Google), when to find information, you would refer to a large faux leather-bound book. The family encyclopaedia. Say I need ‘the height of a giraffe’. You’d go to the room that stored your compendiums. A letter reference on the spine would help you select the correct tome.  ‘F-J’. Then […][...]

You Only See It When You Stop

We were walking our local lanes when Mrs H paused and pointed to a juniper tree.    We’d walked past it just an hour earlier and hadn’t noticed any berries.   Yet when we stopped and looked, we (well she) spotted several of the purple fruits.    Then more.    Then dozens.       It was as if the […][...]

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